City of Painesville issued the following announcement on June 8.
The public is invited to an information meeting for area residents and stakeholders to learn more about bank stabilization project occurring along the west bank of the Grand River and Bank Street, in the City of Painesville, Ohio. The proposed bank stabilization project will protect critical public infrastructure, including roadway and utilities, and the Grand River from further erosion at this location.
This is an open meeting, though it is encouraged that attendees R.S.V.P. to prior to the meeting.
USACE entered into a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) in May 2021 with the City of Painesville to stabilize a portion of the west bank of the Grand River along Bank Street to protect the public infrastructure of the city. This project is being executed under the Continuing Authorities Program, Section 14 is the Emergency Streambank and Shoreline Erosion Protection (Flood Control Act 1946, as amended).It authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop and construct streambank and shoreline protection projects to protect endangered highways, highway bridge approaches, public works facilities such as water and sewer lines, churches, and public and private nonprofit public facilities. The Section 14 authority cost share for implementation is 65% federal and 35% non-federal.
More information on the project can be found here:
Original source can be found here.