Shontel Brown tweeted the following:
"The House just passed critical federal water legislation.The bill includes two key provisions I secured along with @RepTimRyan that will help protect the Great Lakes and Cuyahoga River for generations to come. "Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Shontel Brown:
"The bill increases federal cost sharing for the Brandon Road Lock and Dam, a key project that will prevent the spread of invasive species to the Great Lakes."Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"And the bill includes language supporting the removal of the Cuyahoga River's harmful Gorge Dam.It's removal would make the Cuyahoga a free-flowing river for the first time in more than a century, improve water quality, and create new recreational opportunities on the river."Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"#BREAKING: The House just passed a gun safety package with 6 key measures:Minimum age of 21 to buy semi-auto weaponsPenalties for straw purchasesBackground checks for ghost gunsNew safe storage requirementsBan on bump stocksOutlaw high-capacity magazines" on June 8Read on Twitter