In January 2020, there were 221 homes sold, with a median home sale price of $122,900 in Lake County.
Top 100 home sales in Lake County for January 2020
Buyer | City | Address | Sale Price |
Jeffrey and Alexis Budrys | Painesville | 7785 Butterfly St. | $550,000 |
Megan K. Weiskopf (trustee) and Steven G. Weiskopf (trustee) | Painesville | 7989 Butterfly St. | $435,000 |
Joseph J Criniti | Painesville | 7005 Auburn Ridge Road | $370,000 |
Paul L. Duzyk and Nancy Opalko | Willoughby Hills | 28460 Chimney Ridge Trail | $363,500 |
Michael Giudice and Daniel D. Emerson | Painesville | 10595 Mount Royal Drive | $340,000 |
Linda L. and William P. Brundula | Painesville | 11236 Quail Hollow Drive | $328,000 |
Frederick W. Smiledge (trustee) | Willoughby | 4603 Wood St. | $325,000 |
Daniel E. and Margaret M. Tallion | Willoughby | 2250 N. Bay Drive | $315,000 |
Kevin W White and Dominica D Drake | Willoughby | 35860 Boyd Court | $310,000 |
Michael and Diane Leciejewski | Painesville | 11502 Turnstone Lane 92 | $310,000 |
Samantha V. and Bradford L. Bly | Painesville | 5705 Paine Road | $309,900 |
Gary R. and Kathryn A. Dalton | Painesville | 5780 Canyon Ridge Drive | $290,000 |
Brynn R. and Jeremy A. Greene | Kirtland | 9029 Billings Road | $281,000 |
Thomas J. Delong | Mentor | 5522 Cat Tail Court | $280,000 |
Paul C. and Jennifer A. Dastolfo | Painesville | 503 Manhattan Parkway | $279,000 |
Halle and Matthew D. Pasquino | Mentor | 7821 Oakridge Drive | $275,796 |
Nicole Dayna and Rachel Elam | Mentor | 7055 Culver Blvd. | $265,000 |
Patricia S Curtis-McCarthy | Willoughby | 38383 Beachview Road | $262,000 |
Eva L. and Douglas J. Ansley | Mentor | 7080 Wayside Drive | $260,000 |
Denise D Fisher-Huff | Mentor | 5460 Heather Hill | $248,000 |
Kevin P. and Megan Abrams | Madison | 6559 River Road | $247,000 |
Lenore and Thomas Fulford | Willowick | 305 E. 293 St. | $245,500 |
Joseph V Ribic and Whitney E Jackson | Mentor | 8939 Lake Overlook Drive | $237,000 |
Benjamin C. Bollman | North Perry | 4210 Middle Ridge Road | $235,000 |
Anthony Avery | Willoughby | 38445 Westminster Lane | $229,900 |
Edward C. Dietrich | Mentor | 8356 Dartmoor | $228,900 |
Gina K Hartill | Mentor | 6019 Jane Drive | $227,500 |
Benjamin W. Vaidean | Painesville | 988 Pebble Beach Cove | $225,500 |
Patrick M. Kramer | Willoughby | 38750 Congressional Lane | $225,000 |
David E. Sufka and Samantha L. Bonar | Wickliffe | 740 Woodrow Ave. | $225,000 |
David Ott | Madison | 133 Willowbend Drive | $225,000 |
Thomas J. and Jacquelyn V. Advey | North Perry | 3187 Maine Ave. | $224,900 |
Michelle Margaret and Gregory Thomas Reynard | Painesville | 1449 Willowood Court | $223,000 |
David G. and Cathleen M. Cannon | Painesville | 10968 Spear Road U-1 | $221,000 |
George Damico | Painesville | 6342 Auburn Road | $220,000 |
Frank H. Sajn Jr. | Painesville | 1600 Bridle Path Drive | $218,000 |
Mark A. Adamic | Waite Hill | 6915 Eagle Road | $216,000 |
Tyler J. Burke | Painesville | 10986 Spear Road | $215,400 |
Tanissa Willoughby | Painesville | 1811 N. Ashwood Lane | $215,000 |
Eddie V. Ramos and Lisa Hartman | Painesville | 927 Tradewinds Cove | $213,500 |
Patrick O. Ambrose | Painesville | 13574 Leroy Center Road | $212,500 |
Aili L. and Joseph A. Campbell | Mentor-on-the-Lake | 5654 Dolphin St. | $210,500 |
Donald Ryan and Diana Smith | Painesville | 1067 Valewood Court | $210,000 |
Brandon M. and Whitney J. Abate | Wickliffe | 1940 Fairway Drive | $210,000 |
David A. Yoo | Painesville | 10477 Stuart Drive | $209,000 |
Douglas A. Patterson and Amanda R. Poyer-Patterson | Mentor | 6039 Harrison St. | $205,000 |
Joseph M Beadnell | Mentor | 6528 Lafayette Drive | $204,500 |
Daniel J. and Yvonne B. Hickman | Wickliffe | 29709 Franklin Ave. | $204,500 |
Teresa L. and Gary L. Sherriff | Painesville | 6969 Highland View | $203,000 |
Evelyn A. Rueda | Mentor | 6209 Campbell Road | $202,000 |
Stephen C. Gerish | Mentor | 7045 Adkins Road | $200,500 |
Kyle D. and Hannah E. Foote | Madison | 5306 Ford Road | $200,000 |
Richard E. and Judith E. Parker | Willoughby | 38898 Andrews Lane | $195,000 |
Joshua D. Dunlap and Erin Rolfe | Madison | 239 Parkway Drive | $189,900 |
Barbara J. and Mark A. Swortwood | North Madison | 7723 Lake Shore Blvd. | $186,500 |
Timothy Bayer | Eastlake | 35940 Wanaka Blvd. | $184,900 |
Donna M Drake | Mentor | 5440 Links | $180,000 |
Rick Anthony and Beth Anne Ruggiero | Mentor | 6296 Glenwood Drive | $180,000 |
Daniel C. Carroll | Lakeline | 34333 Lake Shore Blvd. | $180,000 |
Brian A. Oneill and Amy S. Mullin-Oneill | North Perry | 3136 Maine Ave. | $180,000 |
Megan E. and Christopher R. Zelina | Mentor | 7582 Murray Ave. | $179,900 |
Joanne Rees | Mentor-on-the-Lake | 7539 Monterey Bay Drive Union-1 | $176,000 |
Alexander J Henning | Mentor | 7380 Connie Drive | $175,000 |
James Pachinger and Dennise Corcoran | Mentor | 7921 Morley Road | $170,850 |
Peter Franzen and Eva A. Sarga | Painesville | 232 Gulls Cove | $170,000 |
Pamela Boehringer | Fairport Harbor | 1253 Watermark Lane | $169,000 |
Lauren Hoff-Borling and Andrew Mocsiran | Eastlake | 34057 Glen Drive | $166,000 |
Edward Joseph and Jessica Morell | Eastlake | 453 E. Overlook Drive | $164,500 |
Wendy A. and Jeffrey Decapite | Mentor | 7486 Jeremy Ave. | $162,500 |
James and Jeanne Arnold | Kirtland | 9843 W. Alpine Drive | $160,000 |
Mark Quayle II and Megan Connolly | Eastlake | 34250 Cecelia Court | $159,000 |
Joshua Kochtan Hartranft | Wickliffe | 30325 Overlook Drive | $159,000 |
Stephen Leskovec and Ellen Kleinstuber | Springlake Trailer Park | 645 Fobes St. | $158,500 |
Christine Kay Stigamier and Faapouli Feagaimaalii | Willowick | 453 Coleplaza | $158,500 |
Nicole A. Hale | Mentor | 8316 Mentorwood Drive | $156,000 |
Kristin K Ziegler | Painesville | 34 Overlook | $155,600 |
Nate Johnson | North Madison | 1987 Haines Road | $152,000 |
Amanda Galla | Mentor-on-the-Lake | 7670 Weber Road | $150,250 |
Joshua M. Birnbaum and Samantha K. Bengal | Mentor | 6464 Antoinette Drive | $150,000 |
Nima Lama | Willoughby Hills | 2935 Stratford Way | $150,000 |
Catherine M. Buccilli | Mentor | 6131 Bramblewood Place | $150,000 |
Melissa Sulyok | Wickliffe | 1940 Garden Drive | $150,000 |
Daniel L. and Gail L. Chadwick | Willoughby | 5290 Hickory Lane | $150,000 |
Janet L. and Gary M. Smrdel | North Perry | 4251 Oregon St. | $149,900 |
Carol Thomas | Mentor | 8700 Wheeler Court | $149,625 |
Cory Thomas | Wickliffe | 2167 Larchmont | $149,000 |
Dollar Bank F S B | Painesville | 6360 Vrooman Road | $148,275 |
Alecia M Chase | Mentor | 6256 Brooks Blvd. | $145,000 |
Calvin D. Haines | Painesville | 7244 S. Jester Place | $142,150 |
Heisley Road Properties LLC | Mentor | 8119 Dartmoor Road | $142,000 |
US Bank, NA | Painesville | 426 Park Road | $140,205 |
Frank J. and Leona B. Kowardy | Willowick | 122 Legend Trail | $140,000 |
Chelsea E Ford | North Madison | 1883 W. Tuttle Park Road | $135,000 |
Jeffrey and Cynthia Waterman | Mentor | 8342 Quail Point Lane | $134,900 |
Allison M. Bastian | Painesville | 5413 Pebble Creek U-58 B-16 Lane | $134,000 |
Kayla Mason and Matthew Turkalj | Mentor-on-the-Lake | 7763 Manor Drive | $134,000 |
Phyllis Tabbs Christman | Willowick | 32026 Pendley Road | $132,900 |
Susan Ridley | Willoughby | 5115 Franklyn Blvd. | $132,000 |
George F. and Laurel J. West | Painesville | 8084 Ravenna Road | $130,000 |
Christine Tabone | Willowick | 32718 Lake Shore Blvd. | $130,000 |