Donations can be made to political candidates in various amounts. The FEC regulates these donations, and individual groups, excluding PACs, must disclose donations over $250 per year.
The following table lists all contributions donated to Hillary O'Connor Mueri's campaign in February.
Date | Amount | Contributor |
2020-02-02 | $100 | Joel Mcchesney |
2020-02-03 | $250 | Wayne Hill |
2020-02-04 | $250 | Jean C. Kalberer |
2020-02-05 | $150 | Rita Szymczak |
2020-02-06 | $500 | Grant Silvernale |
2020-02-09 | $100 | Wes Roj |
2020-02-10 | $1,000 | Henry Van Ameringen |
2020-02-10 | $1,000 | Douglas Kinney |
2020-02-10 | $202 | Julie Werner-Simon |
2020-02-10 | $250 | David Goldberg |
2020-02-11 | $250 | Bruno Mueri |
2020-02-14 | $50 | Louise Warner |
2020-02-14 | $2,000 | Vic Reinhart |
2020-02-14 | $100 | David Chilcote |
2020-02-15 | $1,000 | Kevin Rowe |
2020-02-15 | $250 | Ruth Compton |
2020-02-15 | $250 | Kyle Keeper |
2020-02-15 | $500 | Paul Gaffney |
2020-02-15 | $500 | Matthew Redmond |
2020-02-15 | $100 | Catherine Grech |
2020-02-15 | $500 | Rachel Unkefer |
2020-02-16 | $250 | Michael Waxman |
2020-02-16 | $50 | Wes Roj |
2020-02-16 | $500 | Misha Mankins |
2020-02-16 | $500 | Robert Alexander Pohowsky |
2020-02-16 | $250 | Don Nash |
2020-02-16 | $250 | Robert Goodyear |
2020-02-16 | $500 | Greg Linden |
2020-02-17 | $10 | Charlotte Fowler |
2020-02-17 | $250 | David Chilcote |
2020-02-17 | $20 | Daniel W. Walsh |
2020-02-17 | $50 | Corinne Higgins |
2020-02-18 | $2,800 | Cynthia Murphy |
2020-02-18 | $250 | Matthew Burke |
2020-02-18 | $2,800 | Brian Murphy |
2020-02-19 | $1,500 | Victor Reinhart |
2020-02-19 | $1,400 | Rod Womer |
2020-02-20 | $100 | Austin Wertheimer |
2020-02-21 | $100 | Daniel W. Walsh |
2020-02-22 | $250 | Bruce E.H. Johnson |
2020-02-22 | $100 | Karen Gaston |
2020-02-22 | $250 | Maureen Greicius |
2020-02-23 | $50 | Paul Burstadt |
2020-02-24 | $2,800 | Krystal Tomei |
2020-02-25 | $295 | Peter Norris |
2020-02-26 | $250 | Michael Klarman |
2020-02-26 | $50 | Cornelia Mueri |
2020-02-26 | $150 | Donald Denny |
2020-02-27 | $250 | Frank Gruber |
2020-02-28 | $250 | Robert Hansel |
2020-02-28 | $100 | Matthew Burke |
2020-02-28 | $200 | Brian Murphy |
2020-02-29 | $1,000 | Karl Olson |